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Individual Literacy & Language Therapy

Contact Us
2010 Hogback Rd #1
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: (734) 973-6001
Fax: (734) 973-0750
In individual therapy, you or your child works one-on-one with Drs. Katz or Pierson to address your specific needs.
Therapy is guided by a completely individualized treatment plan that is developed from baseline testing.
Sessions incorporate regular assessment so that reporting of progress and subsequent determination of next steps can be provided. Frequency of sessions varies by individual needs and other competing aspects of life. We will work with you to set a therapy schedule that meets your needs.
We know that therapy is hard work. Our clients come to work with us because something—listening, reading, spelling, talking, writing—is challenging and in need of improvement. We believe that, despite this, therapy can be fun, exciting, and rewarding. We design our therapy contexts, so that you or your child can experience the rewards of learning, achieving, and succeeding.
That means, whenever possible, we incoporporate individual interests and strengths into the learning context. We know that research has demonstrated that many successful individuals learned to read while pursuing topics of interest. Admittedly, sometimes the only way to change a behavior is through 'skill and drill,' but even then we work to create a fun context where success and feelings of satisfaction are ensured.
Therapy is scheduled Monday-Saturday. Typically, individual sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes, but some clients may be able to participate in longer sessions.
Please contact us today so that we can help you begin your journey to success.