
For many years, Drs. Katz and Pierson have provided consulting services to individuals, schools, and colleges/universities. While we enjoy and are privileged to provide clinical services directly to individuals who need them, we also recognize that we, ourselves, cannot reach every individual who is struggling with literacy, language, and/or learning.

Having each worked in schools and universities ourselves, we have an understanding of the many challenges faced in each of these institutions.

In schools, it is not uncommon for school administrators, teachers, and support staff to encounter challenges with and questions about their students with literacy, language, and/or learning difficulties. We provide a variety of consulting services to school administrators, teachers, and support staff to assist them in their education of students with literacy, language, and/or learning difficulties. Consulting services in the schools include curriculum guidance, individual student observation, student progress testing, and teacher support.

With the documented rise in the number of students with learning disabilities who are pursuing degrees in higher education, it is not surprising to find that college/universities have become more interested in providing good academic support services for their students. For colleges/universities, we provide guidance to offices of disability services as well as internal offices or programs offering academic support.

Finally, recent research has shown that graduate programs in speech-language pathology are not providing any or enough coursework and clinical training opportunities in the area of written language (literacy) for their graduate students. With our strong backgrounds in literacy as well as our experiences in working in and with graduate programs in speech-language pathology, Drs. Katz and Pierson have much to offer in the way of assisting faculty and clinical supervisors in integrating written language content into their classroom and clinic curricula.


For more information, please contact us.